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SEED Framework

The SEED (Social, Economic and Ecosystem Development) Framework is a key resource we have developed for approaching projects. It utilizes a knowledge-centric, ecosystem-based approach that follows projects throughout the project innovation lifecycle in a way that creates shareable and reusable knowledge.

SEED Framework: Headliner

The Framework

A Knowledge-centric and Ecosystem-based Approach

We apply SEED framework methodology to all of our projects, because it is an iterative process, it allows us to enter a project at any point in the project life-cycle, which consists of the following components:

SEED Framework: About Us


  • Identify the target state

  • Identify opportunities and requirements, including input from local stakeholders

  • Collate and prioritize, based on commonality between local (project) stakeholders and broader ecosystem inputs

  • Codify project statement in a shared knowledge base.

  • The categorization of the information should support future information searching and specialization. For example, an eHealth care transformation project might be re-used in other countries for similar initiatives.


  • Define project scope, based on existing and to-be capabilities of the main organisation

  • Identify applicable research, technology, and partners to leverage where the capability development may fall outside of the organisation’s core competency

  • Setting targets for the maturity level and identify appropriate measurements as success criteria

  • Codify capability, maturity level and measurements in a shared knowledge base

  • The categorization of the information should support future information searching and specialization. For example, moving from a dedicated to a hosted Cloud infrastructure may contain several steps, we can codify each step as a different maturity level with some measurements defined.

  • A standardized taxonomy in this area will greatly increase the consistency and transparency of all projects within or across different organisations.


  • Perform business analysis and modelling for value-based partnership ecosystem

  • Find partners and build multidisciplinary teams

  • Codify value-based partnership models in a shared knowledge base

  • While projects may not wish to share specific partnership arrangement, however patterns and best practices can be derived for future use, using tools such as Value-Delivery Modelling


  • Devise execution plan based on capability mapping and value-based partnership modelling

  • Secure initial project funding to execute

  • Customize research, technology, and best practices to suit local conditions/competences

  • Document and refine findings of local implementation

  • Shared knowledge base with similar communities, who can replicate solutions and thus reduce redundant investment


  • Use benchmarks and metrics determined during capability mapping and partnership modelling phase to measure the success of the execution

  • Ideally, we want to encourage all partners to use a similar measurement to compare and contrast. This measurement will help inform projects on how to refine the execution map the next round across the entire ecosystem.

  • Codify and refine the information in a shared knowledge base

  • This phase may result in adjusting or specialization of the maturity level, associated metrics based on learning from project implementation


  • New technology implementation and deployment

  • New business and job creation

  • Technology transfer

  • Curriculum development for education

  • Enhancement of best practices knowledge base

SEED Framework: About Us

Key Success Factors

Enabling Technologies for Project and Ecosystem Governance

To govern and coordinate all the steps in a multi-disciplinary and ecosystem environment, the framework also defines the key success factors and how technologies/tools can be used to achieve said objective.

SEED Framework: Who We Are

The Differences

From Top-down to Stakeholder Centric Approach

The SEED Framework approach is to compare and contrast the traditional top-down development approach (as shown on the left side of the following diagram where opportunities are narrowly defined with substantial investment and resources allocated upfront.  To a more co-opeition approach (the diagram on the right), the development and investment are taking a circular and iterative approach where both global intelligence and local SMEs are involved at the different stage of the project lifecycle.


During local implementation, the emphasis should be on local asset development; this is an often overlooked factor when a top-down investment approach is used.  The decision and valuation of tangible and intangible deliverables should be adjusted accordingly during the project life cycle. We infer that the intangible deliverable of locals will be extremely valuable during the implementation and deployment phases.

SEED Framework: Who We Are

"Knowledge and data is the source of empowerment"

Kevin Watkins, Executive Director of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

SEED Framework: Quote
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